


Mobile Network Assessment Tools » History » Revision 19

Revision 18 (Linus, 12/23/2013 05:31 PM) → Revision 19/32 (Linus, 12/23/2013 05:35 PM)

h2. Overview 

 This is a collection of tools for the assessment of mobile network security. 
 It includes: 

 * *[[GSMmap-apk]]* 
 Android application that collects 2G and 3G network traces from Samsung Galaxy phones 

 * *[[xgoldscanner]]* 
 Linux application that collects 2G and 3G network traces from Samsung Galaxy phones 

 * *[[CatcherCatcher]]* 
 Collect evidence of 2G fake base station activity (requires Osmocom phone) 

 The tools are included in the *[[GSMmap-live]]* system, which auto-submits data for analysis at "": 
 Also on the live system lives: 

 * "*SIMtester*": 
 Finds configuration bugs in SIM cards 

 A public mailing list for discussions and occasional announcements is found "here": 



 h2. CatcherCatcher 


 h2. GSMmap-apk 

 Actively collect 2G and 3G traces using Samsung Android phones. 

 h3. Requirements: 

 * Samsung Galaxy S2 / S3 phone 

 h3. Download: 

 * Pre-compiled .apk TODO 
 * Source Code TODO 

 h3. Disclaimer 

 The tests include an active part. First, your phone will place outgoing calls to a dedicated number. This number will always be busy and never answer in order to rule out voice charges as best as we can. 

 Second, your phone will send SMS short messages via an invalid SMS-C to an invalid number. 

 During our tests (in Europe) we have not encounter any network that would charge for these transactions. However, we can not rule out that you may be charged in specific settings. 

 To control for involuntary charges, we strongly advise the use of a dedicated pre-paid SIM card for these tests. 

 h3. Instructions 

 # Install application from Google Play app store TODO 
 # Run 

 h3. Mailing list 

 A public mailing list for discussions is "here":