


Mobile Network Assessment Tools » History » Revision 25

Revision 24 (Karsten, 12/26/2013 10:18 PM) → Revision 25/32 (Linus, 12/26/2013 10:51 PM)

h2. Overview 

 This is a collection of tools for the assessment of mobile network security. 
 It includes: 

 * "*SIMtester*": 
 Finds configuration bugs in SIM cards 

 * *[[GSMmap-apk]]* 
 Android application that collects 2G and 3G network traces from Samsung Galaxy S2/S3 phones 

 * *[[xgoldscanner]]* 
 Linux application that collects 2G and 3G network traces from Samsung Galaxy S2/S3/Note2/Nexus phones 

 * *[[CatcherCatcher]]* 
 Collect evidence of 2G fake base station activity (requires Osmocom phone) 

 The tools are included in the *[[GSMmap-live]]* system, which auto-submits data for analysis at "": 

 A public mailing list for discussions and occasional announcements is found "here": 

 "Click here to download GSMmap live directly":