SRLabs Gobuster¶
SRL_Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force and perform web tests:
- URIs (directories and files) in web sites.
Compared to the original version it adds the following features:
- Enhanced False Positives detection.
- Integration with Nikto tests wordlist.
The wordlist we used is a enhanced version of the test list used by Nikto.
Common Command line options¶
- `-fw` - force processing of a domain with wildcard results.
- `-np` - hide the progress output.
- `-q` - disables banner/underline output.
- `-t <threads>` - number of threads to run (default: `10`).
- `-u <url/domain>` - full URL (including scheme), or base domain name.
- `-v` - verbose output (show all results).
- `-w <wordlist>` - path to the nikto tests wordlist used for brute forcing.
- `-V` - path to the nikto variable file.
- `-v` - show verbose output.
- `-k` - Skip verification of SSL certificates.
- `-a <user agent string>` - specify a user agent string to send in the request header.
- `-c <http cookies>` - use this to specify any cookies that you might need (simulating auth).
- `-oj <path>` - output file for JSON export.
- `-o <file>` - specify a file name to write the output to.
- `-p <proxy url>` - specify a proxy to use for all requests (scheme much match the URL scheme).
- `-P <password>` - HTTP Authorization password (Basic Auth only, prompted if missing).
- `-U <username>` - HTTP Authorization username (Basic Auth only).
- `-to <timeout>` - HTTP timeout. Examples: 10s, 100ms, 1m (default: 10s).
Since this tool is written in [Go]( you need install the Go language/compiler/etc. Full details of installation and set up can be found [on the Go language website]( Once installed you have two options.
First of all we need to clone srl_gobuster:
git clone
gobuster now has external dependencies, and so they need to be pulled in first:
gobuster $ cd $srl_gobuster_directory gobuster $ export GOPATH=$(pwd); go get; go build
This will create a `gobuster` binary for you. If you want to install it in the `$GOPATH/bin` folder you can run:
gobuster $ go installIf you have all the dependencies already, you can make use of the build scripts:
- `make` - builds for the current Go configuration (ie. runs `go build`).
- `make windows` - builds 32 and 64 bit binaries for windows, and writes them to the `build` subfolder.
- `make linux` - builds 32 and 64 bit binaries for linux, and writes them to the `build` subfolder.
- `make darwin` - builds 32 and 64 bit binaries for darwin, and writes them to the `build` subfolder.
- `make all` - builds for all platforms and architectures, and writes the resulting binaries to the `build` subfolder.
- `make clean` - clears out the `build` subfolder.
- `make test` - runs the tests.
Running as a script¶
gobuster $ go run main.go <parameters>
Command line might look like this:
$ ./srl_gobuster -k -w ./db_test.txt -V db_variables -u ===================================================== Gobuster v.srlabs.2.0.1 (OJ Reeves @TheColonial) Modified in SRLabs by Emanuele Vineti ===================================================== [+] Url/Domain : [+] Threads : 10 [+] Wordlist : db_test.txt ===================================================== 2019/11/01 11:59:27 Starting gobuster ===================================================== Found: /.sh_history (Status: 200) [Size: 28] Found: /kboard/ (Status: 200) [Size: 5] Found: /users.json (Status: 200) [Size: 3] Progress: 24034 / 24034 (100.00%) ===================================================== 2019/11/01 12:02:31 Results ===================================================== ----------------------------------------------------- - Test Code: 000016 - Description: KBoard Forum 0.3.0 and prior have a security problem in forum_edit_post.php, forum_post.php and forum_reply.php ----------------------------------------------------- [*] uri: "/kboard/", status: "200" len: 5, body: "Test " ----------------------------------------------------- - Test Code: 007211 - Description: This might be interesting... ----------------------------------------------------- [*] uri: "/users.json", status: "200" len: 3, body: "12 " ----------------------------------------------------- - Test Code: home_directory - Description: Gobuster classic tests ----------------------------------------------------- [*] uri: ".sh_history", status: "200" len: 28, body: "curl ping " ===================================================== 2019/11/01 12:02:31 Finished =====================================================
Quiet output, with status disabled and expanded mode looks like this ("grep mode"):
$ ./srl_gobuster -k -w ./db_test.txt -V db_variables -u -q
Updated by Emanuele almost 5 years ago ยท 4 revisions